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What is the discount rate for BCA?

However, these market rates vary based on whether we are observing a typical return paid by private capital or the return received by consumers. In 1969, the government’s discount rate for BCA was 10 percent. In 1992, the rate was revised to 7 percent. In 2003, the after-tax rate of 3 percent was added.

What is a real exchange rate?

The real exchange rate is the midpoint between the buy and sell rates on the global currency markets and it constantly fluctuates. It's the rate you find on Reuters, Google,, etc., and it’s the rate Wise gives you when you send money to over 70 countries. With some currencies, we offer a guaranteed rate.

What is the exchange rate applied?

The rate applied is the rate on the effective date of the transaction. *) The exchange rate may change during transaction process. *) Accumulated foreign exchange transactions above $100,000 or equivalent (other than LCS MYR, THB, JPY currencies) in the current month can be done over BCA Counter by including the underlying documents.

What is a benefit-cost analysis (BCA)?

A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) is central to designing and evaluating policy: it compares the total economic benefits of a proposed policy with its total economic costs. The US government first issued guidance to agencies on how to conduct BCA in 1969, and BCA has been required for major federal regulations since 1981.

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